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After you downloaded Family.zone App from the App- or Play store. You will go through an tutorial and then you will get access to the login screen.
Click on "Sign up" and then enter your Family name (surname), Firstname, email address and a password you like to use. Then click on "Create user".

You will receive an email from us to verify your email address. Please click on the link (button) provided in our email.
If you didn’t receive an email, please check your spam folder or check if your email address is correct.

After you verified your email address, you can now login to Family.zone.

For your security the password must contain a uppper and lower case letters and a digit. Minimum 6 chars.

On the login screen, click on "Reset password" and enter your email address. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

For your security the password must contain a uppper and lower case letters and a digit. Minimum 6 chars.

In the home screen (dashboard), go to Settings where you have the family profile and add your family members by clicking on the Person + icon.

Enter the name of your family member and the email address.

After the family members have been created you should get a button on each member which is red. You can now click on this button to invite them.

When you click on the button you get a question if you want to invite them. Click on Send invitaion.

Due to security reasons, every family member needs to have their own email address and passwords.

An email will be sent to your invited family member. From the email he/she could go and activate their account and set the password for their personal account.

The e-mail address will be the username.

Your family member is now connected to your account and can easily login after they have downloaded the app.